Expensive piece of plastic but it makes mounting the Starlink Mini a breeze! This project took about 20 minutes from start to end!
I went with the TRIO Speedmount for Starlink Mini. I chose the black option without any of the added mounting options. The mount did not come with the bolts needed to screw it together. It looks like the option "Mini Speedmount Through Bolt Hardware Kit" might include the necessary bolts, but I’m not paying $10 for something I can get at Home Depot for less than $2. The mount is a little on the expensive side, $150, and to not get the two bolts to screw it together is a little bit of a slap in the face. Overall, I’m happy with the mount. It’s very minimalistic and sturdy. It’s also easy to shape using an angle grinder.
I decided to mount the Starlink on the corner of the panel closest to the tailgate on the driver’s side. This location seemed best because:
After mounting, I found that the Starlink Mini makes a high-pitched hum. I’d recommend keeping it as far away from the bed as possible!
I had to round off one of the mount’s corners to allow it to fit around a bracket and mount flush on two sides. If you have a fan, make sure to leave room for the wiring!
I used a Tiger Paw sanding disk on an angle grinder, which worked perfectly for shaping the plastic. After a few test fits, I was able to get everything lined up.
I ended up drilling two holes, one on each side of the mount, for the bolts to mount to the track. I also went ahead and did a test hole, but this is not required.
That's it! There weren’t any secrets or magic to this one. I also made a video of the install. My videos suck, but I’m just practicing.